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Where Are The Best Places To Write

Updated on June 5, 2013
Ideas and tips for writers looking for the best places to write.
Ideas and tips for writers looking for the best places to write. | Source

Where is a Good Place for Me to Write?!!

OK... so I'm assuming you've come here to get some advice on finding out where the best places for you to write are. Like me, you are probably also a writer or a wannabe writer. Perhaps you are pulling your hair out trying to figure out where in the heck you can get some peace and quiet to work at your craft.

Well in the interest of being totally honest here, I have to tell you candidly that as I write this, I am sitting on the couch in the communal living room, in the company of my fur-babies. Actually kind of right in the middle of chaos. Not exactly my spot of choice to write but the point is really can write just about anywhere if you have the discipline and the motivation. It may not be easy but like my mom used to say...."Where there's a will there's a way!!!"

A perfect spot to write!
A perfect spot to write! | Source

I Have Been Writing "Seriously" Now for 2 Years

So to put this all into perspective I will share a little about me...I am a writer and a long time artist who has been working at her craft for over 25 years. During this time I have discovered that my coveted artists studio/writers retreat has sometimes been very elusive for me. Just about every time I'm about to hang my shingle on my new studio or writers digs either one of the kids moves back - or I end up moving and having to start all over again. Not to say that I am a big mover, but the last few years have certainly seen me on the move far too often. My current retreat is non-existent (um yeah the couch) Before this though I have always managed to find a first studio was a spare bedroom....then a spare room off the dining room...then a half of a double car garage...then a terrace....then a sweet 600 sq at my business...then back to the spare to the couch. So yup I'm back to eaking out another space somewhere. Trust me though...I will be successful because a quiet space is a happy space!!

We all know how important it is as writers to have peace and quiet in order to pull our thoughts together and let the creative process begin and flow UNINTERRUPTED. Yes sometimes I know we have to absolutely allow the interruptions like when your kid sticks a fork in the electrical outlet (yes happened to me). Besides those types of emergencies though, come on now....someone else can put out the dang fires for a change, right??

So onto my sage advice: Here are my tips and ideas for finding the best places to write in your house, around your house, away from your house, and maybe even on top of your house (balconies are fabulous!!). Read on....

Yes You Can Write on the Roof!

IDEALLY, (and you notice that was capitalized), the best place to write is somewhere secluded that affords your privacy and quiet -HOWEVER - (also capitalized you notice), we may not have a spare room or office to retreat to to pen our words. So where to write when you don't have the luxury of your own private space? To help you find the best place to write, I will share some of the spots that have worked for me when private space has been at a premium:

1. The car (Make sure your laptop battery is fully charged though)

2. The patio or outside garden (Just make sure you have a comfy chair and warm jacket if it's chilly outside)

3. The bathroom (It's amazing how quiet the bathroom can be, especially if it's a private bath)

4. At church during the week (Yes tucked away under an eave somewhere) I am currently working on an actual office space at the church that I can escape of the perks of being the woman's minister...

5. On the couch with earplugs or a music device attached to your ear (Even if the music isn't turned on... it will help deter people from asking you questions)

6. The motor home collecting dust in the driveway (Another one of my future escapes... it even has a bed to lie down on - ha!)

7. Outside at a park (Again make sure your laptop batteries are charged unless you are using good ole paper and pen - in that case it doesn't matter)

8. At work (Breaks and lunch can be a great time to write provided you can find a quiet place) Breaks are difficult because they don't give you much time but in an hour lunch can get quite a bit of writing in.

9. The bed (I love writing on my laptop in the bed as long as my husband and the dogs are out somewhere - otherwise it's just too frustrating. Kitties in the lap and dogs begging for attention - not to mention the husband)

10. The roof or balcony of your house (Yes assuming you have a flat roof or a balcony. Put a comfy chair up there, use a safe ladder and voila - your own little retreat)

Just Get it Down on Paper!!

OK so yeah - maybe you think that this hub has been a little jokingly put together. A sort of tongue in cheek pen and ink type of parody. But really... I will use any of the above mentioned places at any given time in order to write!! Just because they work for me will they work for you? I really don't know - but if you don't have a private space - and you really want to write - it's surprising how much writing you can get done even when the space is not exactly how you expect it to be. I mean after all...doesn't the coveted writers retreat come after the best seller that we are going to write - that earns us that first fat royalty check?

And in order for that first fat royalty check - the words have to be written first - right?

So good luck with finding the best place for you to write. Remember, all things are possible, even if things are not exactly as you would have them to be. The most important thing is to get those words down on paper, stay safe and warm doing it and make sure you have your favorite snacks, drinks and fur baby by your side!

AND BTW - cars with comfortable seats in recline mode are FABULOUS writers retreats - with the windows rolled down on a sunny spring day!

(Dorsi Diaz is a freelance writer/publisher)

Poll on Your Writing Space

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